Its not unlocked yet. You need to unlock that pool too. I created a systemd service for that which unlocks the second pool. Keyfile used for encrypting the pool must be accessible (could be stored on the encrypted rpool that is already unlocked at the time the service triggers).
From my notes:
From my notes:
Create service to auto unlock keyfile encrypted ZFS pools after boot
- create service:
nano /etc/systemd/system/zfs-load-key.service
Add there:
Code:[Unit] Description=Load encryption keys DefaultDependencies=no Before=zfs-mount.service [Service] Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=yes ExecStart=/usr/bin/zfs load-key -a StandardInput=tty-force [Install] WantedBy=zfs-mount.service
- enable service:
systemctl enable zfs-load-key.service
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