Fresh Install and No internet


New Member
Mar 27, 2021

I did a fresh install and I can't connect to the gui via another computer. I am totally new to linux. It seems that the Proxmox is not connecting to the network. I have tried everything I can find by Googling and I can't get it to work. Can someone please help me?

-bash: ifconfig: command not found

cat /etc/network/interfaces

I think maybe the issue is I have 2 network devices? One is enp3s0 (ethernet) and the other is wlp4s0 (wireless). I tried deleting line "iface wlp4s0 inet manual" rebooted but that didn't help.
I noticed I didn't have netmask there so I added that in as a line. Rebooted and that didn't help.

what else can I do?

The wireless device doesn't prevent you from access, as you already found out.
The netmask is the /24 behind the address, this is called a CIDR notation (look it up to learn :) )
From the file on your screenshot your host should be reachable under
If you can't connect than you are maybe on the wrong subnet.
What output does ping -c3 from the pve host give?
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Ok I was curious what that /24 was. Yes I tried going there and cleared cache and it doesn't work.

When I ping it, I get "Destination Host Unreachable". I also checked Bridge (screenshot below) and I think that looks okay.
PXL_20210330_232414020 - Copy.jpg

I found another post of a guy with the exact same driver as me and he also had issues. I couldn't tell what this person did to fix it.

The netmask here of is the same as my "subnet mask" I am seeing from my WIndows computer using ipconfig. It is correct.
It might be a driver issue, yes. Is the correct address of your router?
The subnet mask does not per se define the subnet, it's usually /24 and defines which part of the address is considered network neighborhood and what is outside, i.e. has to go through a router.
The question is, if your other devices are also on
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I see. Yes the address of my router and my other devices are also on

I'm googling this Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 device and it seems I found someone else talking about how the R8168 driver doesn't work.PXL_20210330_232429844.jpg

Looking at the instructions, it looks a bit difficult for me.

Do you think if I just bought a compatible Ethernet PCI Network card, I can just add it to the computer and Proxmox will recognize it or if I just do another fresh install, it'll just work?

That should work, yes. After installation of the card you can add the device manually to /etc/network/interfaces and have vmbr0 use it. No need for a reinstall.
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I bought a $15 D-Link Express Gigabit Ethernet Adapter Card. I made sure the specs said it supported Linux which thisdid.

I decided to reinstall Proxmox since it is super quick and i modified a lot of things before so just wanted a fresh install. It worked like a charm. I did have to make sure I picked the correct network adapter but everything worked! Thanks!