Hi, I wanted to know if there is a way to force Garbage or pending cancellation.
Datastore: ZFS_USB
Task ID: UPIDbs:000005EA:0000076E:00000022:6237F138:garbage_collection:ZFS_USB:root@pam:
Index file count: 9
Removed garbage: 0 B
Removed chunks: 0
Removed bad chunks: 0
Leftover bad chunks: 0
Pending removals: 387.795 GiB (in 188665 chunks)
Original Data usage: 126.154 GiB
On-Disk usage: 21.762 GiB (17.25%)
On-Disk chunks: 16292
Deduplication Factor: 5.80
Garbage collection successful.
Please visit the web interface for further details:
Datastore: ZFS_USB
Task ID: UPIDbs:000005EA:0000076E:00000022:6237F138:garbage_collection:ZFS_USB:root@pam:
Index file count: 9
Removed garbage: 0 B
Removed chunks: 0
Removed bad chunks: 0
Leftover bad chunks: 0
Pending removals: 387.795 GiB (in 188665 chunks)
Original Data usage: 126.154 GiB
On-Disk usage: 21.762 GiB (17.25%)
On-Disk chunks: 16292
Deduplication Factor: 5.80
Garbage collection successful.
Please visit the web interface for further details: