Feature request: Show VM name in content view instead of only the number


Active Member
Feb 28, 2020
"Datastore > Content" shows only the VM numbers, e.g. "vm/107".
Would be handy to see the same VM name (e.g. "myserver") as configured in PVE.

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Reactions: hvisage and Luki20
What would be the desired behavior if one reassigns the VM ID?
What would be the desired behavior if one changes the VM name in the options?
It's a bit difficult to fit everyone's habits and needs in this, I guess.
Why not just add the name in the comment of the backup?
- Save the new name for new backups of that VM (so this would be store per backup and not per VM id)
- same as above
- agreed =)
- Because this would have to be done manually although it could be automated