Feature Request: Ability to restore and add an existing Hard Disk to a existing virtual machine


May 28, 2020
First of all, please excuse me if this has been brought up before. But I find this a quite good feature that exist in ESXi, HyperV, AHV and so on.
Let me just present the usecase for it:

I have a virtual machine that some users is working against. One of the users accidentally deletes alot of important files. The VM in question is insanely big so it makes no sense to restore the entire virtual machine. Instead I am just restoring the Hard Drive from the backup, and connecting it to the already existing running virtual machine.
I am therefore able to mount the drive in the OS, and able to copy the files that was missing without having to restore the rest of the machine.

the best place for feature requests is bugzilla.proxmox.com, it would be great if you could post it there (including the use case).
In the meantime you can extract the archive manually on the command line using something like
vma list <your_backup>
vma extract <your_backup>
qm importdisk <vmid> <extracted_disk> <some_storage>

For containers you could use something like tar -tvf vzdump-lxc-122-2020_05_28-09_25_29.tar.
Thanks for your reply! I will create an account on bugzilla and add the feature request there!
And thanks for your snippet! I will try that one out !
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