External Viewer



Hi folks, i've configured a proxmox ve 2.0 for test, so i'm having some troubles using the java console on the web browser (like using the space key, to make a debian install in text mode). Resuming i need to use a external viewer, i've already configured to use a external vnc viewer using openbsd-inetd http://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Vnc_2.0. But the only client i could use was tigervnc and the results was not so good...

I looking for a tutorial to use rdp connections to see my vms, like in virtualbox and vmware. So i'll be able to connect to my vm using the mstsc, vinagre or another rdp client. Is that possible?
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the internal viewer works fine if you connect with the right browser/java. what desktop do you have, which browser and which version of the java plugin?
the internal viewer works fine if you connect with the right browser/java. what desktop do you have, which browser and which version of the java plugin?

Hi Tom, I'm using
Windows 7 Prfessional
Browser Firefox 12.0 / Chrome 19.0.1084.52
Java(TM)7 Update 3

When you are using the internal viewer through the browser, can you use the TAB key to select Back or Next on the Debian instalation?

Thx for the answer...
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Hi, the TAB issue was solved by making a downgrade in the Java version from 7u3 to 6u23. Now if i want to see my VM in fullscreen mode? Is it possible?
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