Extending SSD after Cloning


Mar 22, 2021
I recently had an SSD fail on writes, and luckily, I could clone it using dd without much issue. Had to run fsck /dev/mapper/pve-root, and all was good.

However, the new drive is 500GB; the previous was 120GB. I'm trying to claim that space and not quite following the instructions in another thread: https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/resize-local-or-local-lvm-and-how.105263/#post-617487

The volume appears like this when running lsblk

nvme0n1            259:0    0 465.8G  0 disk 
├─nvme0n1p1        259:1    0  1007K  0 part 
├─nvme0n1p2        259:2    0     1G  0 part /boot/efi
└─nvme0n1p3        259:3    0 110.8G  0 part 
  ├─pve-swap       252:0    0     8G  0 lvm  [SWAP]
  ├─pve-root       252:1    0  37.7G  0 lvm  /
  ├─pve-data_tmeta 252:2    0     1G  0 lvm  
  │ └─pve-data     252:4    0  49.3G  0 lvm  
  └─pve-data_tdata 252:3    0  49.3G  0 lvm  
    └─pve-data     252:4    0  49.3G  0 lvm

How do I extend the LVM (110G) to the full 500GB (465G)?

I really appreciate any help you can provide.
Extending an LVM is not specific to Proxmox or SDDs. You can follow any guide that you like.
That guide has you extend the drive in the VMWare GUI, so it's not helpful. And the CLI references don't apply.

Do you have another reference guide suggestion that would be more applicable?
That guide has you extend the drive in the VMWare GUI, so it's not helpful.
That's what you already did by cloning to a bigger SSD, so it's not a show stopper.
Do you have another reference guide suggestion that would be more applicable?
Maybe this one: https://askubuntu.com/questions/919...ger-drive-and-extend-root-partition-to-use-ne ?
Or just boot your Proxmox host system with a GParted Live ( https://gparted.org/index.php ) and use its GUI ?
I think that resizing a LVM-thin is not possible and needs to be recreated but i assume the underlying LVM can be extended.
I have no recent experience with LVM, sorry. Maybe reinstalling Proxmox and restoring all VMs and CTs from backup is the safest method?
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