I am facing the need to export backups off-site offline. From what i have understood, and to simplify, bakups are stored in (fixed size for vms, variable size for containers) files called chunks. And that the set of chunks that makes a backup is stored in indexes, thus allowing chunks to be shared between several backups, achieving deduplication.
This idea is something related to need i described in this post https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/archiving-to-external-hdd-and-deduplication.133122/
I know, i could achieve this with a second pbs off-site and declaring the first pbs as a remote to the second pbs. But, this needs a second site and a good internet connection. In my case the only second site that is available is connected to the internet with 4Mb ADSL link (and this is the maximum speed available in that region, FO internet still being very expensive here).
I have two solutions:
1) Periodically ( ~ once a week ) plug an usb hdd and do an rsync of the pbs datastore to that external hdd,
2) "Export" latest backup(s) from pbs to that external usb plugged hdd. As there is no such feature availbale from the GUI. IS there a cli command that could achieve this ?
3) This function is not implemented in pbs, in that case, do you think this is an interesting feature that we could request to the pbs team ?
I am facing the need to export backups off-site offline. From what i have understood, and to simplify, bakups are stored in (fixed size for vms, variable size for containers) files called chunks. And that the set of chunks that makes a backup is stored in indexes, thus allowing chunks to be shared between several backups, achieving deduplication.
This idea is something related to need i described in this post https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/archiving-to-external-hdd-and-deduplication.133122/
I know, i could achieve this with a second pbs off-site and declaring the first pbs as a remote to the second pbs. But, this needs a second site and a good internet connection. In my case the only second site that is available is connected to the internet with 4Mb ADSL link (and this is the maximum speed available in that region, FO internet still being very expensive here).
I have two solutions:
1) Periodically ( ~ once a week ) plug an usb hdd and do an rsync of the pbs datastore to that external hdd,
2) "Export" latest backup(s) from pbs to that external usb plugged hdd. As there is no such feature availbale from the GUI. IS there a cli command that could achieve this ?
3) This function is not implemented in pbs, in that case, do you think this is an interesting feature that we could request to the pbs team ?