ESXi to Proxmox - Network issue - ProxMox Bridge prohibit communication


Mar 14, 2021

I found an interesting symptom.

Have a 3 node cluster (upgraded 7.x to 8.2.x latest) and one of them (let1s call A host) hosting my ESXi host.
ANY ProxMox VMs on host A unable to ping (or communiicate) ESXi VM on host A, but the rest B and C node VMs can. Moving forward All of my A or ANY host ProxMox VMs able to ping and communicate all VMs hosted by ESXi

A host any VM <=> A host ESXi failed
A host any VM <=> [A host ESXi <=> hosted VMs] succeed

It seems to be a problem around the A host bridge (or let'say PMX/Debian bridge), which prevent this communication

ESXi have HOST cpu and vmxnet3 lan it cannot be root cause of this problem

Is it MAC address flooding prevention or what? Any idea to reveal?

I could not reproduce the issue you described with an ESXi 8.0 host running as a VM on a Proxmox VE 8.2.4 node and trying to:

- ping a ESXi VM from a VM running on the same node,
- ping a ESXi VM from a VM running on a different node in the cluster,
- ping a PVE VM on the same node from a ESXi VM, and
- ping a PVE VM on a different node in the cluster node from a ESXi VM;

How have you configured the network for the VMs running on the same PVE node? What is the local network configuration on node A (post the output of /etc/network/interfaces and which bridges are used for the ESXi host and the VM that cannot reach the ESXi VMs)?

ESX version too old running as embedded (ESXi 6.0 Update 2, build ) No option to upgrade

My results:
- ping a ESXi VM from a VM running on the same node, **FAILED**
- ping a ESXi VM from a VM running on a different node in the cluster, **OK**
- ping a PVE VM on the same node from a ESXi VM, and **FAILED**
- ping a PVE VM on a different node in the cluster node from a ESXi VM **OK**






cat /etc/network/interfaces

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eno1
iface eno1 inet manual

iface eno2 inet manual

iface eno3 inet manual

iface eno4 inet manual

auto eno49
iface eno49 inet manual
mtu 9000
#10G LAN

auto eno50
iface eno50 inet manual
mtu 9000
#10G LAN

iface ens3f0 inet manual

iface ens3f1 inet manual

iface ens3f2 inet manual

iface ens3f3 inet manual

auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static
bridge-ports eno1
bridge-stp off
bridge-fd 0

auto vmbr200
iface vmbr200 inet static
bridge-ports eno49
bridge-stp off
bridge-fd 0
mtu 9000
#10G LAN vlan200



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