Errors after VM recovery


New Member
Aug 3, 2022
Hello. I had PVE and PBS installed on the same host on the same SDD. A backup was made on the second HDD using PBS. I initiated an SSD drive failure, changed it, reinstalled PVE and PBS.
Edited the datastore.cfg file to see my backups in PBS. This went well. I got my VMs back successfully, but I'm getting errors after restoring to PBS. How to remove them?


  • photo_2022-09-17_14-49-14.jpg
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can you post the complete task log of such failed task?
Do I understand it correct, that you added a remote pointing to the same (local) PBS to sync your datastore back?
If yes, this might be applicable:
these are benign - the connection error is because the sync client drops the connection and the endpoint doesn't yet expect that (should be improved). downloading the log is just best effort - it doesn't have to be there at all (or yet), and unless your host backup scripts upload a log (after the backup) there won't be one ;)

If my understanding is correct and your errors have the same reason, has to be confirmed or not by the Proxmox-Staff.

at the end it just says:
Error: connection error:not connected
But the virtual machine turned on successfully

@dcsapak asked for the complete task log; not only the end!
can you post the complete task log of such failed task?

2022-10-01T12:56:43+03:00: starting new backup reader datastore 'backup': "/mnt/backup"
2022-10-01T12:56:43+03:00: protocol upgrade done
2022-10-01T12:56:43+03:00: GET /download
2022-10-01T12:56:43+03:00: download "/mnt/backup/vm/101/2022-10-01T02:00:06Z/index.json.blob"
2022-10-01T12:56:43+03:00: GET /download
2022-10-01T12:56:43+03:00: download "/mnt/backup/vm/101/2022-10-01T02:00:06Z/qemu-server.conf.blob"
2022-10-01T12:56:43+03:00: TASK ERROR: connection error: not connected


2022-10-01T12:57:38+03:00: starting new backup reader datastore 'backup': "/mnt/backup"
2022-10-01T12:57:38+03:00: protocol upgrade done
2022-10-01T12:57:38+03:00: GET /download
2022-10-01T12:57:38+03:00: download "/mnt/backup/vm/101/2022-10-01T02:00:06Z/index.json.blob"
2022-10-01T12:57:38+03:00: GET /download
2022-10-01T12:57:38+03:00: download "/mnt/backup/vm/101/2022-10-01T02:00:06Z/qemu-server.conf.blob"
2022-10-01T12:57:38+03:00: TASK ERROR: connection error: not connected

task3 recover 1st disk

2022-10-01T12:59:43+03:00: starting new backup reader datastore 'backup': "/mnt/backup"
2022-10-01T12:59:43+03:00: protocol upgrade done
2022-10-01T12:59:43+03:00: GET /download
2022-10-01T12:59:43+03:00: download "/mnt/backup/vm/101/2022-10-01T02:00:06Z/index.json.blob"
2022-10-01T12:59:43+03:00: GET /download
2022-10-01T12:59:43+03:00: download "/mnt/backup/vm/101/2022-10-01T02:00:06Z/drive-scsi0.img.fidx"
2022-10-01T12:59:43+03:00: register chunks in 'drive-scsi0.img.fidx' as downloadable.
2022-10-01T12:59:43+03:00: GET /chunk
2022-10-01T12:59:43+03:00: download chunk "/mnt/backup/.chunks/a0bc/a0bc4daf6a7cb13526053ca3ea21e73bbc0537fdb6a0cd4e807a14baad4289b5"
2022-10-01T12:59:43+03:00: GET /chunk
2022-10-01T12:59:43+03:00: download chunk "/mnt/backup/.chunks/37d3/37d3d65081d224c8d351d2ff9222dfadb977e76ecc9e42c042996166c5845c15"

-----skipped similar lines

2022-10-01T13:00:36+03:00: GET /chunk
2022-10-01T13:00:36+03:00: download chunk "/mnt/backup/.chunks/489c/489c9069f08f5322d5617ba47cc541811d09f34f5f24bd336546e7d6b3d3be07"
2022-10-01T13:00:36+03:00: GET /chunk
2022-10-01T13:00:36+03:00: download chunk "/mnt/backup/.chunks/f892/f892a7c59149237084d421c2367b686039dfcdc28b36f8b3f8d636b810347339"
2022-10-01T13:00:36+03:00: GET /chunk
2022-10-01T13:00:36+03:00: download chunk "/mnt/backup/.chunks/7115/71154e0d10ff9e1998313364e16c1f8e38d3bb15512abdf494f45cd62482c9cf"
2022-10-01T13:00:37+03:00: TASK ERROR: connection error: not connected
do the backups/restores actually work? (if so the error might only be cosmetic, though still interesting to debug where the error comes from)
can you post the journal from the time of such a backup/restore? you can print the log with 'journalct' and limit it with '--since' and '--until' flags, for example:

journalctl --since "2022-10-01 10:00" --until "2022-10-01 13:00"