S sahroni Member Proxmox Subscriber May 20, 2021 78 5 13 49 May 20, 2021 #1 dear proxmox How do I get quarantine spam emails into the Zimbra spam folder
tom Proxmox Staff Member Staff member Aug 29, 2006 15,923 1,195 273 May 20, 2021 #2 the quarantined emails are stored on the Proxmox Mail Gateway, not delivered to the email server and therefore not in your Zimbra server.
the quarantined emails are stored on the Proxmox Mail Gateway, not delivered to the email server and therefore not in your Zimbra server.
S sahroni Member Proxmox Subscriber May 20, 2021 78 5 13 49 May 20, 2021 #3 I want spam email to be in the Zimbra spam folder so that users don't lose email if the anti spam is false positive
I want spam email to be in the Zimbra spam folder so that users don't lose email if the anti spam is false positive
tom Proxmox Staff Member Staff member Aug 29, 2006 15,923 1,195 273 May 20, 2021 #4 If you do not want to use the spam quarantine (emails stored on the Mail Gateway), do not use it. Instead, just mark the Emails - e.g. with SPAM: in the subject and deliver all to Zimbra server.
If you do not want to use the spam quarantine (emails stored on the Mail Gateway), do not use it. Instead, just mark the Emails - e.g. with SPAM: in the subject and deliver all to Zimbra server.
H hata_ph Well-Known Member Nov 13, 2019 866 200 48 45 May 21, 2021 #5 Or add special spam field header to your spam mail and use zimbra to tag it as spam.