The docker-machine kvm plugin can help, have not tested, but is possible and more people to maintain:
on github (I cannot post links)
on github (I cannot post links)
The docker-machine kvm plugin can help, have not tested, but is possible and more people to maintain:
on github (I cannot post links)
Ok, I just realized that docker-machine has no big future and they move project into maintenance mode.
I wonder what are the further plans for that project.
I plan to spend some time on development of Proxmox VE driver so it can support VM provisioning up to operational point. Ideally would be if it would work as presented in Rancher OS documentation.
In terms of cloud-init - do you think it make sense to use it in Proxmox VE driver? I'm not expert in that area so I'm not sure if it can be leveraged for remote/API based VM provisioning.
Yes, the problem is that the agent is not active by default. After building a new iso image it, worked as expected - same as with boot2docker. With those images, I can provisition to an operational point. Therefore I "stopped" developing further, because every outstanding problem lies in the provided iso image. Without support from the to-be-run Docker-flavor, you cannot do anything else.
The QEmu part is obsolet if you use cloudinit (and the distro itself does use it). You can set IP and username/password, so docker-machine is simpler.