Good morning Users,
As i read in the forum the backup of proxmox is sliced to junks and only changed junks are saved by the follow-up backups.
I defined a backup job for a single vm to smb/cifs storage (NAS) and after three days i got a alarm from my storage that the
diskspace is filling up...

Is this a restriction of using smb/cifs? Is nfs the better choice?
Or has this to do with the retention settings?

Thanks in advance for clarification. ob
As i read in the forum the backup of proxmox is sliced to junks and only changed junks are saved by the follow-up backups.
I defined a backup job for a single vm to smb/cifs storage (NAS) and after three days i got a alarm from my storage that the
diskspace is filling up...

Is this a restriction of using smb/cifs? Is nfs the better choice?
Or has this to do with the retention settings?

Thanks in advance for clarification. ob