Diskspace "incremental" backups


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2017
Good morning Users,

As i read in the forum the backup of proxmox is sliced to junks and only changed junks are saved by the follow-up backups.

I defined a backup job for a single vm to smb/cifs storage (NAS) and after three days i got a alarm from my storage that the
diskspace is filling up...


Is this a restriction of using smb/cifs? Is nfs the better choice?

Or has this to do with the retention settings?


Thanks in advance for clarification. ob
As i read in the forum the backup of proxmox is sliced to junks and only changed junks are saved by the follow-up backups.
This is true when you backup from Proxmox (PVE) to a separate Proxmox Backup Server (PBS) machine. PVE does not have a concept of incremental backups but PBS does reuse identical chunks so no data is stored more than once. Although you can install PBS on the same system as your PVE (or as a container or VM), you do need to install and configure PBS somewhere in your network before you can make use of all its nice features.
In other words: without pbs EVERY backup is saved as full backup?! (independently from backup destination and protocol/filesystem)