Disk Checking Cron

parbat bhatiya

New Member
Jun 19, 2018

i am affraid twice

is there any cron ican get email alert for disk checking weekly about disk health ?

and i can put it on soft raid and hardware raid i have many machine like this but

if data lost or before data lost i can put disk checking on proxmox machine ?

so i can be safe ?

If you use ZFS, you will have disk and raid info inside of the PVE, because this is handled internally. Everything else must be monitored from the outside and this means you must monitor it. Depending on your hardware, this includes a raid controller program like hpsacucli, amcli, megacli and so on.
PVE checks the SMART values and send out an email, that's working very well. But it doesn't help if your disc directly die, but an external monitoring can't help you too by this.

Always do backups of your important data, a raid isn't a backup :)
yes but if something scripts or somewhere script auto monitoring increase health situation and data lost chances less but

as well i should take backup also but if there is something script or cron we can periody.. check health would be great and may be i need to find external scripts or write myself script better for health checkup every week ? or monthly ?

becuase soft raid defficulty to recover or re arrange hard drive for raid deployment