directory I don't see all the space


New Member
May 21, 2024
I created a 4TB storage directory, but as soon as I add it to the cluster storage, I only see 30Gb, how can I use all the space?

Can you please tell us how you added the directory to your Server and the output of the `pvesm status` command?
You are confusing local disk you've added to "pve2" host with ability to have shared storage. You dont have shared storage.
You should remove "shared" option from your new pool and restrict it to a particular node that actually has that disk attached.

Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox -
I want to share space in both nodes to be able to do backups
I want to share space in both nodes to be able to do backups
In that case you could share the disk using NFS and mount this on both nodes from the Proxmox GUI.
This way the storage can be marked as shared because it's available on both machines.