demarrage de proxmox


New Member
Apr 25, 2023
je suis a nouveau dans l'environnement de proxmox , j'ai redemarré le serveur manuellement , ensuite je peux pinger au serveur mais je ne peux pas accéder au portail web de proxmox ni de lancer les machines virtuelles
my probelem is I cannot access the web portal of my proxmox server, although I can ping the server, but not the virtual machines
please check that pveproxy is running and hasn't logged any errors:
- systemctl status pveproxy
- journalctl -b -u pveproxy
that means your VM config references a storage that is not configured..
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you can only use storages that are defined/configured. where did you get the config from? Oo
i found this configuration ( i am a new it in this company so i found this config , now every thing is down , sharing document , AD, internet , .. every thing is down i can not acces in the interface web for having my backups also, ) i want to start 2 vm ( sharing + vm of Sage ) without loosing DATA
so can i start the vm withoud storage 02 ( ide2 ) if yes how can i reconfig the machine , please
the config alone is not enough to start the VM, you also need to configure your storage(s) first..