Hello, everyone. I apologize if this is something really simple and I'm just not getting it, but I think this has something to do with my HA problems. I have a four-node cluster that works famously as long as I don't physically pull power on one of the nodes. If I do that, then the VMs running on it do not migrate. They just kinda... Die. So I'm thinking it might have something to do with my fencing, but I can't find a clear answer. I've attached my cluster.conf so you can see what I have for the fencing (since I can't seem to paste it here in the board without it removing all the line breaks). But a quick version is:
Now, according to the wiki entry on Fencing, this should be the correct format for an iDRAC 5, 6, and 7. However, if I test it using:
the machine reboots rather than shuts down as one would expect from the "action=off" line. We set up a test cluster using Dell servers that have older DRAC cards (4, I think) that uses the fence_ipmi agent. Should I be using that instead of the fence_drac5? Or should I be using something different altogether? I've tried finding answers elsewhere, but the only solutions I've found involve either iDRAC 5 or 7 interfaces; nothing that explicitly says 6. (Except the wiki, which only mentions 6 at the bottom under 'testing'.)
<fencedevice agent="fence_drac5" cmd_prompt="admin1->" ipaddr="" login="pvefence" name="ipmi01" passwd="xxxxx" power_wait="5" secure="1"/>
fence_drac5 --ip="" --username="pvefence" --password="xxxxx" --ssh --verbose --debug-file="/tmp/foo" --command-prompt="admin1->" --action="off"