Debian squeeze LXC templates compiling in DAB v3.5.2 in PVE 8.2.x


Renowned Member
Feb 26, 2009
Chennai - India & Singapore
If the DAB template to be compiled uses zip and other archived files, install the following in the PVE 8.2.x host:
apt install unzip zip bzip2 p7zip mlocate
# apt install screen

Replace the /usr/share/perl5/PVE/ v3.5.2 with the one attached in this post after backing up the original one.

The attached DAB now allows to compile old OpenVZ DAB files in the new DAB LXC (with some changes in the build files) for Debian Squeeze and others especially those using old MySQL.

If you no longer have access to i386 debian squeeze, wheezy and jessie debs for i386 compilation using DAB, they can be provided on request.

Commercial assistance for complete LXC DAB environment is available.


sorry, but squeeze should not be used in any kind of setting except for historical analysis. it's LTS support period ended more than 8 years ago!
That decision should be left to the end user.

There are many valid scenarios where even older versions like etch, lenny, etc would need to be used:
1. Data restoration
2. Trusted intranet usage
3. migration and legacy plugin development
4. familarity of use with external protection - VPN, Firewall, etc
5. interoperability with legacy systems
6. tools availability with paid for licences
7. avoid syntax relearning
among others where LTS or any kind of support is not envisaged.

Support may not be feasible in poor exchange rate countries since the current fiat currency system is not fair to all and will be experienced only when the trading / exchange rates get inverted as is coming in a more multi-polar world. Local support with extending life of hardware and software is in vogue.
That decision should be left to the end user.
and I am telling those end users reading along here that they'll be making a bad decision if they follow your advice. you are of course free to do as you please on your systems, but please don't continue knowingly spreading bad advice here without appropriate caveats/disclaimers.
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