Copying from vm to client does not work (spice)


Oct 24, 2022
Copying documents to a vm via spice works, but there is no going back.
I tried it on both windows 10 and linux mint

The connection goes through spice.
Clients running Windows 10 and 11

Installed Guest Tools on the vm itself, does not help

As noted in

only client to guest direction is supported as of F19 versions (spice-protocol 0.12.4/0.12.5, spice-gtk 0.17/0.18, spice-vdagent 0.14)

Although there are newer versions in the meantime, the desired feature was not implemented in them.

As a workaround, you can do a Share folder [0]

It's a pity, as it is written in windows is not supported.
windows <> vm windows
As said, the Share folder works well and faster than drag and drop on SPICE if the files are big.
As said, the Share folder works well and faster than drag and drop on SPICE if the files are big.
Only this works on linux systems
HINT: only the Linux version of Virt-viewer (remote-viewer) supports this.
And I have windows