Console not working for VM and LXC


New Member
Sep 22, 2019
I'm running PVE 6.0.7 on a NUC6CAY. I can open the PVE Shell but not the console on a VM or a LXC. I see a black window with a white rectangle and that's it. Sometimes after waiting 5 minutes It asks for the login but access will be always denied. After that no console is working, even when waiting a long time.
I am trying to access from a Win10 desktop via chrome and Firefox. I also tried with disabled firewall.
Do you have any hint for me?
Thank you very much.
edit: I do not have a VM running.
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did you try to press enter on the console when the cursor is visible?
also what kind of container is it? (which template did you use)
I have to correct myself. Now hitting enter does not work anymore. The cursor just jumps to the next line. I am using this template.
A restart of the container solves that.
Hi, guys!

I need to bring this one up again.
I have the same problem but the solution of wilkob doesnt work for me.
I have the white cursor on a black screen. Hitting enter, moves the cursor down by one line. Nothing more. Tried the other consoles, but no luck.
The template I've used is the same as wilkob did: debian-10.0-standard_10.0-1_amd64.tar.gz .

Maybe someone has a solution for this....

Thank you very much.
I'm having a very similar issue. PVE version: 6.2. I used the Turnkey Linux Debian-10.0-standard_10.0-1_amd64.tar.gz to create a container guest.

After starting the container, it pings, and the Proxmox GUI shows it's running (with extremely low resource usage). However, console window is blank. Hitting the enter key in the console moves the cursor down one line. After about five+ minutes, the normal prompt appears for login. I get similar results using Putty.

I have a Windows VM and a doku-wiki container and neither behaves this way. Both open in console instantly.

Once the console finally became responsive, I checked the start time of the SSH service and found it started 5+ mins after boot. A little more Googling and I found there's a known issue in the Debian build that causes this problem, and it's been an issue for over a year. Someone suggested installing haveged to fix the issue. My fix is to switch to Ubuntu.
I'm having a very similar issue. PVE version: 6.2. I used the Turnkey Linux Debian-10.0-standard_10.0-1_amd64.tar.gz to create a container guest.

After starting the container, it pings, and the Proxmox GUI shows it's running (with extremely low resource usage). However, console window is blank. Hitting the enter key in the console moves the cursor down one line. After about five+ minutes, the normal prompt appears for login. I get similar results using Putty.

I have a Windows VM and a doku-wiki container and neither behaves this way. Both open in console instantly.

Once the console finally became responsive, I checked the start time of the SSH service and found it started 5+ mins after boot. A little more Googling and I found there's a known issue in the Debian build that causes this problem, and it's been an issue for over a year. Someone suggested installing haveged to fix the issue. My fix is to switch to Ubuntu.
Hi erict206, please look this
by default, password login is disabled for the root account on debian10, which should be the reason for this problem. use command pct enter <VMID> and it worked on my pve system.