we're working on something cool and are using the metric server service from Proxmox. While checking the values for IOPS, we see a different amount of IOPS in InfluxDB than we do via SNMP (in LibreNMS).
The influx iops reported by Qemu, are those the IOPS issues by the GuestOS to the VM, or are they the IOPS issued by KVM to the underlying storage? That might explain the difference were seeing.
we're working on something cool and are using the metric server service from Proxmox. While checking the values for IOPS, we see a different amount of IOPS in InfluxDB than we do via SNMP (in LibreNMS).
The influx iops reported by Qemu, are those the IOPS issues by the GuestOS to the VM, or are they the IOPS issued by KVM to the underlying storage? That might explain the difference were seeing.