cloning pve from single disk to raid zfs


New Member
Mar 17, 2023
I’d like to take a backup copy of all my pve os… and i’m asking if is possible to take a full copy of dev/sda (pve os) to a raid 1 ZFS… i thought about using dd but i’m not sure about it

hoping someone would discuss about it with me :)
Was the single SSD installed with ZFS for the root filesystem? Then you could mirror it. Otherwise the only option I see would be to back all guests up and reinstall PVE using a ZFS mirror.
the single ssd is in xfe, but I would like to keep a copy of the entire operating system in case of disaster recovery and I had thought about making "backups" with "dd" by copying the SSD onto a ZFS raid
ssd os sdX
hdd raidZFS sdY/sdZ
i'm thinking about:

"dd if=dev/sdX of=dev/sdY bs=64k conv=noerror ,sync"

and the resilver copy all data from sdY to sdZ
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The question is how consistent your backup will be when doing this while PVE is running (so root filesystem is n use and written to). Most secure it would be be to do this while booting into some other OS on another disk. For example by booting into a clonezilla on a USB pen drive (but no idea if that supports local ZFS as target storage) or by booting into some live linux with ZFS support like Ubuntu and then use dd.
actually I hadn't thought about the most important thing: file systems... clonezilla doesn't support zfs in that case but I could create a manual duplicate copy... in your opinion the best would be to use filezilla? I've always used that one but if you tell me that ubuntu with "dd" is more secure I can try using that one;)

I thank you very much, you are always the first to respond