changing VM MTU to 9000


New Member
Jul 27, 2020
I clicked on NODE, went to System, Network
clicked on Network Device (enp2s0f0, enp2s0f1), and changed the MTU to 9000
just remembering this device is configured as PCI PASSTHROUGH

I rebooted the proxmox.

when I give an ifconfig in the proxmox, 9000 appears in the MTU of the interface
however in the VM the MTU continues 1500

how do I make the MTU of the VM at 9000?
What is the distribution of the VM?
Have you tried setting the MTU in the VM manually, with something like ip link set enp2s0f0 mtu 9000 or ifconfig enp2s0f0 mtu 9000 up and restarting the interfaces (with ifdown IFACE & ifup IFACE)?
If this works, these changes can also be made persistent by editing the network interface config files:
- Debian based: /etc/network/interfaces
- CentOS / RHEL / Fedora Linux: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/INTERFACE