So, I used the GUI on the PVE in question (pve3) which is in a cluster - uwpve. I went into System/Networking, edited vmbro and changed the IP address from ti and the gateway. Applied the Configuration. Then tried browsing to the new address. It comes up and asks me to log in, but it only says the Login Failed and won't let me login.
So, I used ssh and connected to and can login with the same username and password that is now failing in the GUI. I edited /etc/network/interfaces and changed the IP address back to - but left the gateway on the new IP. Saved. Rebooted.
Browsed to and now the login works fine.
So, this GUI way, and manually editing /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/hosts to change the addresses both cause the same issue. I cannot login via the GUI if I change the IP address - but I can if I set it back to
Can anyone explain what I am doing wrong and what to do to allow me to change the IP and retain full access to the system?
So, I used ssh and connected to and can login with the same username and password that is now failing in the GUI. I edited /etc/network/interfaces and changed the IP address back to - but left the gateway on the new IP. Saved. Rebooted.
Browsed to and now the login works fine.
So, this GUI way, and manually editing /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/hosts to change the addresses both cause the same issue. I cannot login via the GUI if I change the IP address - but I can if I set it back to
Can anyone explain what I am doing wrong and what to do to allow me to change the IP and retain full access to the system?