[SOLVED] Change ring address to node in cluster


Active Member
Aug 1, 2017

During cluster creation I forgot to add ring address to one of the nodes resulting it to be added in wrong network.

How can I fix this?

I was thinking to remove node and add again but documentation says removed nodes can't be added back.

The node is part of a Ceph hyper-converged configuration.

Which is the correct procedure?

Thank you.
Thank you very much Chris, it worked.

In the pvecm status I see the name of the node I fixed showing old IP of wrong network. Is it possible to fix this too?

Then in web interface for cluster nodes summary I see some nodes with "Server Address" as public IP and some as local one, but in cluster information page I see correct Ring 0 local address.

Thank you.
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Did you restart corosync by `systemctl restart corosync` on all nodes of the cluster one by one after editing?
I thought so, maybe I missed one, now is fixed.

Thank you again.

Have a nice day ;-)