change permissions of /etc/pve/priv/known_hosts


New Member
Nov 23, 2023

we use ssh certificates (aka signed host keys) in our server infrastructure. Thus we would like to set the permissions of /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts (which is a symlink to /etc/pve/priv/known_hosts, which is located on proxmox cluster file system) to world readable: "chmod 644 /etc/pve/priv/known_hosts".

Is pmcfs permission aware? If so, how can the permissions be changed?
Is it save/supported to remove the symlink and use /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts directly? Are there any serious side-effects foreseeable regarding proxmox?

Using ssh certificates there is no need to synchronize /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts anymore: Using ssh certificates /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts' content becomes constant throughout the infrastructure (restricted to a cluster, a vlan, or all vlans/subdomain is up to you). Getting rid of each user's need to manage ~/.ssh/known_hosts is another huge advantage when deploying ssh certifcates. Our /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts (on regular debian systems) contains only one line that looks similar to this on _every_ host:

@cert-authority *,*,subdom... ssh-ed25519 <SSH-CA-PUBKEY_SIGNATURE> <SSH-CA-Key-Comment>

But currently, as long as this line isn't world readable, this setup is of very limited use: only root-logins profit, a non-root (for example an ansible user account) can't access /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts, thus the host key authentication fails!

Independent of the use of ssh certificates I suggest to set /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts world readable by default. And no, world readablity doesn't harm, neither in regard of security, nor in regard of privacy - at least as long as the hostkeys are stored along hashed hostnames (what's the default in current debian/proxmox releases).

What do you think?

Best regards,
Did some investigations, and just answering myself:

Replacing the symlink /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts by a regular file, doesn't work as expected: It works just as long as "pvecm updatecerts" hasn't been executed, which re-replaces the regular file by the symlink from time to time.

Conclusion: I didn't know, and never ever thought that proxmox's clustering/migration mechanisms under the hood rely on ssh. I thought ssh is used for interactive management access only.

I'm glad to hear, that the Proxmox-Developers "plan to move away from SSH in the mid-term, avoiding this issue at all." Nice!

Hopefully mid-term means as soon as possible. ;-)
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as a workaround, you can point ssh at a different known hosts file.

see for more details

I would suggest he actually does it with user based config entry in his case. It is UserKnownHostsFile option in the ssh_config(5).

The ~/.ssh/config is not linked to anywhere.


And of course, you can neatly use KnownHostsCommand if you wanted to feed from multiple files. Be aware it will be called multiple times during SSH invocation.
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