Change new IP address in proxmox mail gateway

May 22, 2020
Dear Support,

I changed IP address via interface but "down group default qle n 1000"
I try to change ip address via command line but cannot.
Can you help me?
I need urgent to migrate proxmox mail gateway version 5.2-7 to 6.2-3.

Warm Regards,


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How did you change the IP?

the output looks like the 'cable is not plugged in' (NO-CARRIER,.., UP) - the 'UP' indicates that it is 'administratively up' (i.e. configured), the 'NO-CARRIER' that the lower level says there is no link.

maybe the interface name changed and the cable is plugged into ens34?
(sadly the predictable network interface names sometimes are not this predicatable)

I hope this helps!
you need to edit the file and save it...
please post (if possible the text, else a screenshot) of:
* the content of '/etc/network/interfaces'
* the output of 'ip link'
in the file change ens32 to ens34
and ens34 to ens32.
afterwards reboot
Check the journal of your PMG, and also the hypervisor where PMG is installed on (I assume that PMG runs as VM in some virtualization?)

The state indicates that 'the cable is not plugged in'
Glad that you found the issue - please mark the thread as 'SOLVED'
