cephFS on proxmox 7.1

Where do you want to mount it? Inside a VM or another machine in your network?
The PVE servers should automatically have a CephFS Storage which is mounted in the /mnt/pve directory.
Where do you want to mount it? Inside a VM or another machine in your network?
The PVE servers should automatically have a CephFS Storage which is mounted in the /mnt/pve directory.
another machine in my network..

yes i can see cephFS already mount in node1,2,3... but i want to mount it in other machine
another machine in my network..
Okay. Did you follow the linked "prerequisite" page and created a new user with its own key?
If so, then the secret key is the key mentioned in the resulting file that you need to save in its own file.

If you didn't the secret file used by the PVE servers itself is located at /etc/pve/priv/ceph/cephfs.secret
sorry problem solved:

sudo ceph fs authorize cephfs client.coba / rw

mount -t ceph,, /mnt/mycephfs/ -o name=coba,secret=AQANYMxhlkfeNhAA2YG6qScOCq4ZjJTaMlZDyg==

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