ceph warning post upgrade to v8

I'm guessing based on the errors, and the failure of some of my influx/temperature reporting scripts, that its something on the version of python shipped with bookworm causing this.
I ran this command 'Invalid data type.' Some data got lost.' and maybe waited one minute.
Nothing else was needed.
In doubt you may want to run it on all nodes (although the node will tell you if it is not enabled anyway (or not installed)).
No reboot or uninstall was necessary for me.
Hmmm... I tried to disable it on all nodes again, and it says the dashboard is either already disabled or not installed. So I'm not sure why I still have the warning.
Please note that others had similar „pyo3“ warnings about other python modules. Are you sure yours is about the dashboard module?
Ah, no. It's now the warning about "restful". I had installed the dashboard, and believe I had that warning as well, but it's now gone.
Has anyone found a solution for the below warning?
Module 'restful' has failed dependency: PyO3 modules may only be initialized once per interpreter process
Ah, no. It's now the warning about "restful". I had installed the dashboard, and believe I had that warning as well, but it's now gone.
Has anyone found a solution for the below warning?
Module 'restful' has failed dependency: PyO3 modules may only be initialized once per interpreter process
Well, I was able to fix it by running
ceph mgr module disable restful
I only ran this on my 3rd node. I didn't enable it at any point that I'm aware of. And the dashboard was originally on my 1st node. So I'm a little confused how/why this would have cleared the warning.
Only issue with that fix is that it removes the error, but doesn't fix the dashboard itself.
Hello, did you follow the 7to8 guide [1]? specifically upgrading Ceph before PVE?

[1] https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Upgrade_from_7_to_8

Be sure that you have the last PVE7 version as well as the last Ceph 17.2.6.
If you want to upgrade Ceph before upgrating PVE7 to 8, please consider these steps:

#one node at a time
apt update
apt dist-upgrade
After you upgrating both PVE and Ceph, you have to restart ceph services
systemctl restart ceph-mon.target
systemctl restart ceph-mgr.target

Next, restart OSD layer but ONE NODE AT A TIME
systemctl restart ceph-osd.target
After this command wait that all PG are synchronized and the Ceph status is OK

After that, run
pve7to8 --full
in order to check if everything is OK before upgrading PVE

Now, change the repository in base on you are using Community or Enterprise solution
Consider that with PVE8, Ceph wants enterprice repository so change this file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ceph.list if you are using PVE Enterprise.

Starting from here, you can use the Proxmox Guide

I hope I was helpful

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I have this problem as well (both dashboard modules). Will this actually be ported to ceph 17.x? The ceph mailing list says "latest versions" — currently, 17.2.6 is the latest 17.x release.
I'm also encountering the same issue on a brand new PVE8 install. I'm also curious to know when the update will propagate to PVE's ceph-quincy
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hope there will be a fix soon as dashboard is very helpful on monitoring the cluster storage status
Same issue here.

Warning Notes:

DO NOT USE --force

ceph mgr module enable dashboard --force

As it disables all the managers, destroy then recreate will be needed

Hope this issue will be solved, Dashboard is very helpful for real-time monitoring
Same issue here.

Warning Notes:

DO NOT USE --force

ceph mgr module enable dashboard --force

As it disables all the managers, destroy then recreate will be needed

Hope this issue will be solved, Dashboard is very helpful for real-time monitoring
Without --force, I get the following error:

ceph mgr module enable dashboard
Error ENOENT: all mgr daemons do not support module 'dashboard', pass --force to force enablement

I don't know ceph well enough to know if --force is really an issue or or not.


Would it be possible for Proxmox to upgrade to the latest Ceph version? Or is there any specific reason why we're still on 17.x rather then 18.x?