ceph warning post upgrade to v8

Thanks for your time/work here Max, do these fixes only apply to Proxmox packaged Ceph or should they have worked down from upstream Ceph as well? I've just upgraded to 18.2.4-1~bpo12+1 from download.ceph.com/debian-reef and am seeing the same dashboard problems as well covered in this thread. This Ceph is backing a 7 node Proxmox cluster so I guess I could transition to Proxmox packaged Ceph if it's not too painful.

This only applies to Proxmox packaged Ceph, not upstream. Upstream only contains this pull request made by a community member (thanks again!). Note that the PR plus our own patches only really work for the dashboard and its utils in the case of PVE, so if anything else from Ceph (that's launched via the mgr) also uses e.g. the Python cryptography module, you'll get a similar crash.

That being said, I've been making some progress upstream regarding sub-interpreter support in PyO3, though it's still gonna take a while until that's ready. So, hopefully at some point in the not-so-distant future, sub-interpreter issues will be gone for good.
Hi @Max Carrara currently running on PVE 8.2.3 and Ceph 18.2.2 but still running into the same certificate issue. Shouldn't have this beeen pushed to the upstream?

Hey there! Could you please post the output of the following commands?
  • pveversion
  • ceph --version
  • ceph mgr module ls
Could you also fetch the relevant logs via journalctl -xeu ceph-crash and share them here? Thanks!
Thanks @Max Carrara, here you are:

pve-manager/8.2.3/b4648c690591095f (running kernel: 6.8.8-4-pve)

ceph version 18.2.2 (e9fe820e7fffd1b7cde143a9f77653b73fcec748) reef (stable)

balancer           on (always on)
crash              on (always on)
devicehealth       on (always on)
orchestrator       on (always on)
pg_autoscaler      on (always on)
progress           on (always on)
rbd_support        on (always on)
status             on (always on)
telemetry          on (always on)
volumes            on (always on)
dashboard          on
iostat             on
nfs                on
restful            on
alerts             -
influx             -
insights           -
localpool          -
mirroring          -
osd_perf_query     -
osd_support        -
prometheus         -
selftest           -
snap_schedule      -
stats              -
telegraf           -
test_orchestrator  -
zabbix             -

However, I'm afraid my issue is actually different. I managed to get dashboard working correctly.

I still have issues in setting up RGW and having it to play nice with the dashboard though - these includes the fact that I keep getting 500 error on RGW main and cannot remove multi-tenant configuration from the dash. Yet, i believe this is not the same same issue that was reported in this chat.
However, I'm afraid my issue is actually different. I managed to get dashboard working correctly.

I still have issues in setting up RGW and having it to play nice with the dashboard though - these includes the fact that I keep getting 500 error on RGW main and cannot remove multi-tenant configuration from the dash. Yet, i believe this is not the same same issue that was reported in this chat.

Well, I'm glad the dashboard works now! I was worried I had missed an edge case somewhere in there ;)

If you're still struggling with RGW, feel free to open another thread and post relevant logs. That way you'll have a higher chance of getting help from the community, as your issue is more easily found.
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