[SOLVED] ceph upgrades and zabbix


Famous Member
May 24, 2012
for major upgrades the ceph zabbix template may change. it did change for ceph version Nautilus , which caused ceph -s to show 'Failed to send data to Zabbix' .

the location of the template changed from Luminous to Nautilus. to find the template:
locate zabbix_template

/usr/share/ceph/mgr/zabbix/zabbix_template.xml needed to get imported in zabbix.
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I see no question, so I guess this is meant for others as a reminder?
yes that was a reminder - i think zabbix is very good for monitoring ceph latency and sending email when ceph health is not OK. is there a place i could put a how to set that up, or should a wiki page be used?
There is no explicit place for config "howto" snippets. I think in this case, the [SOLVED] should give enough of a hint for anyone searching for it. Thanks for posting.
Thanks !
With the latest template of the Ceph repository, it does not work, but using the updatedb and locate, then using this template, works perfectly.