With ceph network is there a difference in performance if I use 2 network interfaces directly for example eth1 and eth2 vs. bonding the same interfaces into vmbr ?
I guess I did not ask the question correctly, is it possible to use two interfaces on one node without bonding them either on private or public network ? and if it is, is there a difference in performance ?
No, it wouldnt improve performance. Ceph performance is directly related to the latency of your interface, multiple interfaces with the same latency would still yield the same performance.With ceph network is there a difference in performance if I use 2 network interfaces directly for example eth1 and eth2 vs. bonding the same interfaces into vmbr ?
In a steady state, eth1 will carry Ceph Private traffic and eth2 will carry Ceph Public traffic. If one interface fails, or switch fails, both vlans will be carried across the same interface.
You could bond and dedicate at the same time as long as you use active/backup bonding.
Using 2 vlans, you can create eth1.10 and eth2.10 for Ceph Private network and eth1.20 and eth2.20 for Ceph Public network. bond0 will use eth1.10 and eth2.10 for its interfaces and set eth1.10 as the primary for the bond. bond1 will use eth1.20 and eth2.20 for its interfaces and use eth2.20 as primary.
In a steady state, eth1 will carry Ceph Private traffic and eth2 will carry Ceph Public traffic. If one interface fails, or switch fails, both vlans will be carried across the same interface.
Let me know if you would like to see a network config. I use this all over the place.