You need 3 mon and 3 managers minimum for everything to work transparently.
If you have 2 of each like you have now, there will be no majority quorum when its time to vote for a new mon/mgr leader.
They all need to be on the same network, this can be achieved with VPN if the third node is somewhere else.
tincvpn (allows multicasting packets and P2P VPN so if its connected to several end points the traffic always come through) or wireguard (full speed, but no p2p vpn and doubtful if multicast that coosync HA manager needs work).
If you have 2 of each like you have now, there will be no majority quorum when its time to vote for a new mon/mgr leader.
They all need to be on the same network, this can be achieved with VPN if the third node is somewhere else.
tincvpn (allows multicasting packets and P2P VPN so if its connected to several end points the traffic always come through) or wireguard (full speed, but no p2p vpn and doubtful if multicast that coosync HA manager needs work).