I have 3 nodes with 2 x 1TB HDD and 2 x 256G SSD's each.
I have the following configuration:
1 SSD is used as system drive (LVM partitioned so bout a third is used for the system partition and the rest is used in 2 partitions for the 2 x HDD's WALs.
The 2 x HDD are in a pool (the default "replicated_rule")
The remaining SSD is in a pool "fast" which has the following rule:
Devices in the crush table are as follows:
So according the calculation rules there should be 256GB storage available in that pool.
But in reality I see:

The space is really much less than I should have.
the "fast" pool should have 256GB, but it doesn't even have 100GB ??
Can someone help me make sense of this please?
I have the following configuration:
1 SSD is used as system drive (LVM partitioned so bout a third is used for the system partition and the rest is used in 2 partitions for the 2 x HDD's WALs.
The 2 x HDD are in a pool (the default "replicated_rule")
The remaining SSD is in a pool "fast" which has the following rule:
rule fast {
id 1
type replicated
min_size 1
max_size 10
step take default class ssd
step chooseleaf first n 0 type host
step emit
Devices in the crush table are as follows:
# devices
device 0 osd.0 class hdd
device 1 osd.1 class hdd
device 2 osd.2 class hdd
device 3 osd.3 class hdd
device 4 osd.4 class hdd
device 5 osd.5 class hdd
device 6 osd.6 class ssd
device 7 osd.7 class ssd
device 8 osd.8 class ssd
osd pool default min size = 2
osd pool default size = 3
So according the calculation rules there should be 256GB storage available in that pool.
But in reality I see:

The space is really much less than I should have.
the "fast" pool should have 256GB, but it doesn't even have 100GB ??
Can someone help me make sense of this please?