Cant upload image to proxmox on LAN


Renowned Member
Oct 7, 2018

Select storage under server view.

Select ISO Images

Click Upload

Click "Select file" and choose the iso image.

It reports correct file size but in the file box path is replaced with C:\fakepath instead of proper path.

If I click upload its instant 100%, nothing uploads, and will sit there until I click abort.

Proxmox 7.3-4, Firefox browser.

Found this.

So the fakepath is a red herring, like the guy in the above link, I noticed I can upload other iso's fine, just uploaded another FreeBSD image, the one that just sits there is a windows ISO.

So I guess that bug from 3 years ago still exists, is it worth me filing a bug report? Or is there a known workaround?

Currently 14.49 GB used out of 186.09GB on the storage I am uploading to.

--Operator Error--

So an update, issue is nginx proxy I setup which was configured with a max body size of 5 gigs, I wont request this post to be deleted as it might serve to help anyone else who might get caught out by this using a nginx front end proxy.
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