can't find LABEL=storageprox


Apr 8, 2019
So just a couple hours ago, my Proxmox Server was working fine. I am in the middle of a move right now, and had to move my Dell Server hosting Proxmox, so I move it to a new location (along with my Router). Turned everything back on, and ...

I can't access the Proxmox Web GUI whatsoever. Here is what I see during startup of Proxmox:

Then I'm greeted with the following:

Welcome to emergency mode! After logging in,type "journalctl -xb" to view
system logs, "systemctl reboot" to reboot, "systemctl default" or ^D
to try again to boot into default mode.
Give root password for maintainence
(or type control-D to continue):

Never been booted into Emergency Mode before. This is the first time I've ever seen this with Proxmox!

* journalctl -xb didn't show any errors that I noticed. I did see this:

But I don't know if that's an issue or not.

* systemctl reboot just reboots Proxmox, and I am still in Emergency Mode.
* systemctl default returns ...

I also tried mnt -a as you can see. It returns:
mount: /mnt/data: can't find LABEL=storageprox.

I performed an ls /mnt/data and it came back empty.

I also performed a qm list.

I see my VMs are still in-place, which is good, right? Well, they're all stopped and I'm unable to start them.

I've also tried performing an apt-get update, which didn't work ...

I also ran lslbk and it looks like sda hasn't changed since I last checked it a couple weeks ago. Hopefully that means all of my VM Data and Snapshots are safe?

I'm on version 5.4.128-1-pve.

Does anyone here have any ideas what's going on? I believe Proxmox being unable to fix storageprox is the main culprit of the problem.
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Unless you have s subscription, you cannot use the enterprise repository. But given your kernel version, it looks like you never updated (from the Proxmox repositories) after installing. So this is not new and most likely not a network issue or part of the actual problem.

The system is trying to mount a partion/filesystem on a drive by its disk label, and cannot find it. systemd can be annoyingly persistent in preventing other software to start when a drive is missing.
Please note that that mount by label to /mnt/data is not a standard part of the Proxmox installation and was done by you in this way for some reason. Did you maybe change the disk label later on?
What is the output of cat /etc/fstab, cat /etc/pve/storage.cfg, ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/ and ls -l /dev/disk/by-label/? Maybe you can comment it out, if you removed the drive?
Or check your drives and cables, which can easily get loose when moving computers. Maybe try reconnecting the drive to another power connector and data port?
Unless you have s subscription, you cannot use the enterprise repository. But given your kernel version, it looks like you never updated (from the Proxmox repositories) after installing. So this is not new and most likely not a network issue or part of the actual problem.
Enterprise Repository? I don't have a Proxmox Subscription, but why is this relevant?

You know something ... 5.4.128-1 was the initial version of Proxmox I installed. I definitely remember upgrading to the latest version of 6 though by performing the following:

# pve5to6
# apt update
# apt dist-upgrade

I remember because I had in the top banner that Proxmox 5 was no longer supported for awhile, but after following the above commands I was on the latest version of 6 and didn't have a message about a lack of support in the Proxmox Web GUI. What do you think happened?

The system is trying to mount a partion/filesystem on a drive by its disk label, and cannot find it. systemd can be annoyingly persistent in preventing other software to start when a drive is missing.
Please note that that mount by label to /mnt/data is not a standard part of the Proxmox installation and was done by you in this way for some reason. Did you maybe change the disk label later on?
Ah yes, you are correct, I did. I had started by following these steps recently as I'm looking to setup an External Backup Drive to connect to my Dell Server so I can copy VMs to it to allow for Local Backups. The commands I ran were:

# apt policy parted
# apt install parted
# parted /dev/sdb mklabel gpt
# parted -a opt /dev/sdb mkpart primary ext4 0% 100%
# mkfs.ext4 -L storageprox /dev/sdb1
# mkdir -p /mnt/data
# vim /etc/fstab
|(Inserted LABEL=storageprox /mnt/data ext4 defaults 0 2 into the document)

(I was going to follow the rest of the Guide only when I had bought the External Backup Drive yet; I hadn't restarted Proxmox since I ran these steps)

I don't remember seeing any errors during the process, but now when I run lslbk, the output doesn't show a /dev/sdb. I'm seeing this:

(Aside from missing /dev/sdb, nothing looks out of the ordinary here though)

What is the output of cat /etc/fstab, cat /etc/pve/storage.cfg, ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/ and ls -l /dev/disk/by-label/? Maybe you can comment it out, if you removed the drive?
Or check your drives and cables, which can easily get loose when moving computers. Maybe try reconnecting the drive to another power connector and data port?
Well there is no External Disk Drive connected to my Dell PowerEdge R710 Server that is hosting Proxmox.

Alright then, here are the outputs of the commands you asked me to run:


(ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/ scrolls too fast for me to catch everything)



Actually, I've resolved the problem: The second image reminded me: I did add the following to /etc/fstab:
# Mount options for External Drive
LABEL=storageprox /mnt/data ext4 defaults 0 2

I commented out that last line:

Performed a systemctl reboot and ... eureka! Proxmox starts up, as well as all my VMs!

So it looks like what I added in my /etc/fstab as per this Guide was the cause.

I would like to be able to connect an External Backup Drive to Proxmox and have it be read by the Proxmox Web GUI. Is there a better guide I could follow then the one on that website?

Also, how would I go about updating my Proxmox Kernel? The Web GUI says I'm on 6.4-13. To be honest, here is the output I get with pveversion:
root@pve:~# pveversion
pve-manager/6.4-13/9f411e79 (running kernel: 5.4.128-1-pve)

Anyways, those might be issues to address for another day. Thank you avw for helping me realize what I needed to do to fix my issue!
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Happy for you that you got it solved. Sorry for asking so much initially but I was just gathering information to find references to your missing drive.
I only mentioned the enterprise repository because you showed an error about it in the last photograph. However, it now looks like you are running an up to date Proxmox 6.4.
When adding a removable disk to /etc/fstab, you might want to use noauto or nofail to prevent this issue in the future.