Hey, so my PVE installation started acting weird from one day to the other.
I can ping the server, I can also access containers and ssh into them and use them normally, but:
- No Access to the WebUI
- When trying to ssh onto the server, it asks for a password, I type it but it never lets me in afterwards (no "wrong passwd" messages, just no response at all until it times out)
I might know what the culprit could be, but I'd rather avoid putting out the drive and taking a look at it with my main machine, hence I am here to ask if somebody knows any way to get out of this.
My thoughts:
I recently modified the WebUI by adding in a CPU TEMP and Clock Speed monitor to the dashboard. The WebUI did break from time to time when there were major changes to the Webinterface (for example, it needed to be redone after upgrading to PVE 7.x). I haven't needed to access the main server in a while, which is why I am only realizing this issue now. If I would take out the drive and revert the changes made, I think that the issue might be resolved. If I do end up doing that and my issue still isn't fixed after it, I will write an update.
I can ping the server, I can also access containers and ssh into them and use them normally, but:
- No Access to the WebUI
- When trying to ssh onto the server, it asks for a password, I type it but it never lets me in afterwards (no "wrong passwd" messages, just no response at all until it times out)
I might know what the culprit could be, but I'd rather avoid putting out the drive and taking a look at it with my main machine, hence I am here to ask if somebody knows any way to get out of this.
My thoughts:
I recently modified the WebUI by adding in a CPU TEMP and Clock Speed monitor to the dashboard. The WebUI did break from time to time when there were major changes to the Webinterface (for example, it needed to be redone after upgrading to PVE 7.x). I haven't needed to access the main server in a while, which is why I am only realizing this issue now. If I would take out the drive and revert the changes made, I think that the issue might be resolved. If I do end up doing that and my issue still isn't fixed after it, I will write an update.