I'm currently running an empty Alpine LXC and attempting to start cgroups so that something like Docker can be run, but I keep running into the same issue. This is on Promox's Alpine 3.19 template, which uses a new version of OpenRC that defaults to cgroupv2.
Other LXC templates like debian or arch do not have this issue, it's exclusive to Alpine.
Config for the LXC:
How would I go about solving this since it's an Alpine-only issue? I understand Docker inside an LXC is not the preferred way to run it, but it's the easiest setup for my use-case.
~: service cgroups start
mount: mounting none on /sys/fs/cgroup failed: Resource busy
sh: write error: Resource busy
sh: write error: Resource busy
sh: write error: Resource busy
sh: write error: Resource busy
sh: write error: Resource busy
sh: write error: Resource busy
sh: write error: Resource busy
sh: write error: Resource busy
Config for the LXC:
arch: amd64
cores: 1
features: nesting=1
hostname: alpine319-docker
memory: 512
net0: name=eth0,bridge=vmbr0,firewall=1,hwaddr=A2:48:F5:6B:92:9B,ip=dhcp,type=veth
ostype: alpine
rootfs: data:503/base-503-disk-0.raw,size=4G
swap: 0
template: 1
unprivileged: 1
How would I go about solving this since it's an Alpine-only issue? I understand Docker inside an LXC is not the preferred way to run it, but it's the easiest setup for my use-case.