Hello! I've installed ProxMox with a Pfsense install where I have 4 network interfaces that are all natively passthrough (added as a PCI Device) to improve performance. I'd like to the make the gateway accessible on any of the LAN interfaces without using a Linux Bridge if possible. It was previously possible to communicate with both the VM / ProxMox when I was using a bridge, but now that I'm natively passing the NIC, I can't seem to talk to Proxmox.
When I removed vmbr0, and re-assigned the WAN/LAN interfaces directly as above, I lost the ability to communicate to the management interface and I'm lost as to a solution.
This is the current output of nano etc/network/interfaces but I have to use a USB network adapter to connect to PVE
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface enp89s0 inet manual
iface enp87s0 inet manual
iface enp2s0f0np0 inet manual
#pfSense WAN
iface enp2s0f1np1 inet manual
# pfSense LAN
iface wlp90s0 inet manual
auto enx9cebe89342cb
iface enx9cebe89342cb inet static
#Dell USB NIC Mgmt
Interface used with Linux bridge. This worked as long as I used the linuxbridge with PFsense.
iface vmbr0 inet static
bridge-ports enp2s0f0np0
bridge-stp off
bridge-fd 0
#pfSense WAN
iface vmbr1 inet static
bridge-ports enp2s0f1np1 enp87s0 enp89s0
bridge-stp off
bridge-fd 0
#pfSense LAN
When I removed vmbr0, and re-assigned the WAN/LAN interfaces directly as above, I lost the ability to communicate to the management interface and I'm lost as to a solution.