Can I run Windows10 with WSL version2 on Intel Hardware ?


Jul 18, 2020

Have a question for my shiny new v6.3-3 four node Proxmox cluster please. Since we are running many Windows10 Enterprise guests on this new cluster, I have developers that are requesting the Microsoft WSL feature. Turns out that WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) version 1 works just fine. So we are happy with that ability.

However, we also have some developers that are asking for WSL version 2 and unfortunately we have not yet figured out how to allow Proxmox to properly pass those Intel CPUs properly through to these guests, so that the WSL 2 virtualization works successfully. It breaks with the following "WslRegisterDistribution" message:

Installing, this may take a few minutes...
WslRegisterDistribution failed with error: 0x80370102
Error: 0x80370102 The virtual machine could not be started because a required feature is not installed.

Press any key to continue...


If anybody has any answer please let us know. Either that this is not supported under PVE-6.3-3 or that it is supported and if so how please.

Thank you very much. Kind Regards, /JW

PS: Just for completeness, after running the "
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart
" command and then rebooting, the device manager shows one warning in the "Microsoft Hyper-V Virtual Machine Bus Provider" device. Yellow Triangle. With the message in the events-tab that reads: "Device ROOT\VMBus\000 had a problem starting."
I'm guessing you need nested virtualization enabled. IIRC WSL2 requires VT-d/AMD-v instructions while WSL1 does not
Thank you very much Tom for pointing me to this "

Nested Virtualization​

" link. Nice to see that Proxmox VE can host a nested/guest VM and that all the details are in that wiki page. Vielen Dank dafür.

However, since performance will suffer greatly, and more importantly that such guest-VMs with active nesting cannot be live-migrated, is the end of this effort and the desire of these developers will be answered with a simple "no" as well as "buy your own computer. :)

Up time and HA for these Developer-VMs is more important in this multi-node cluster for the features that are only received by WSLversion2. Looks like the features of WSLversion1 are just fine.

Wunderbar und ein Grosses Danke Schön für diese schnelle Antwort. Feel free to close this Post as "Successfully resolved".