Buy another SSD to OSD


New Member
Aug 3, 2020

please, can you advice me please?

I have only 2 SSD in OSD (1x SSD per node) and I want add another SSD to OSD to 3 node, which is only for ceph mon and ceph mgr.

I have 2x SSD INTEL DC4500, which is not making and I want buy Intel SSD 960GB D3-S4510, but this model is newer with a little bit different parametrs. On the screen. Is it possible add to a little bit different SSD to CEPH as 3 OSD?

1x OSD 960GB SSD
2x HPE SSD in zfs for system

1x OSD 960GB SSD
2x 480GB SSD in zfs for system

2x 480GB SSD in zfs for system
2x HDD for data a local VMS
Snímek z 2020-12-02 11-07-20.png
You can match different SSDs but the slowest SSD will determine the performance of the cluster.
I'm using p4610 in production, they working fine.

the difference between them is the endurance (and the related price;),
carefully choose them dependy of your workload. (if you are write intensive or mostly read)