Bug in DRBD causes split-brain, already patched by DRBD devs

Thanks mir, you saved my life :D

And let me to do a questions:

- How i have on my lab PVE 2.3 with NICs Realtek, and soon i will change to PVE 3.0, so i will need the new drivers Realtek installed on my PVEs for use with DRBD.

The questions:
1- Can you help me for install the new drivers Realtek?
(unfortunately in this country can not get other brands for use on workstations :( )
2- If I can install this new drivers, every time I download a new kernel (aptitude update && aptitude full-upgrade) must I compile it again?
3- About of the installation of this drivers, can i install it since ssh?, because my fear is that it closes the connection.

In any way, again many thanks for having me patience, and God bless you.

Best regards
- How i have on my lab PVE 2.3 with NICs Realtek, and soon i will change to PVE 3.0, so i will need the new drivers Realtek installed on my PVEs for use with DRBD.
The source I send you will work on pve-3.0 as well
1- Can you help me for install the new drivers Realtek?
Just do the same as you have been done so far:
make install
update-initramfs -u
2- If I can install this new drivers, every time I download a new kernel (aptitude update && aptitude full-upgrade) must I compile it again?
See my next answer.
3- About of the installation of this drivers, can i install it since ssh?, because my fear is that it closes the connection.
If I remember correctly it unloads to current driver before building the new driver so ssh is out of the question. You should enable dkms. I have already provided the needed dkms.conf file in the source folder for doing it.
1) cd /usr/src/r8168-8.035.00
2) dkms add -m r8168 -v 8.035.00
dkms build -m r8168 -v 8.035.00
dkms install -m r8168 -v 8.035.00

This will rebuild the driver when ever a new kernel is installed. It will also automatically run update-initramfs -u so the driver for the new kernel will be available at first boot onto the new kernel.
Hi mir

sorry again for my questions of rookie

You said me that "You should enable dkms". but how I enable it?, or i need only execute "aptitude install dkms"? and this is all necessary for use your dkms.conf

Re-edit: I have installed PVE 2.3 how VM (with virtio net) for make test of instalation of the new realtek drivers, into this machine after i have installed the new drivers without messages error and reboot this VM, i execute "cd /usr/src/r8168-8.035.00", and get:
-bash: cd: /usr/src/r8168-8.035.00: No such file or directory

something I did wrong?
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Hi mir

I am in a serious problem

I have executed:
# make modules
# make all
# make install
# echo 'blacklist r8169' > /etc/modprobe.d/r8168.conf
# update-initramfs -u
# reboot

And now my PVE not load the NICs, now i only can work on the same host but without net.

any idea?

Best regards

After many tests, tests and more tests my PVE is working with Realtek

Many thanks to mir and all people that was helping me

Best ragards
