Sorry, my brain didn't read that part. You can do it with the help of the "directoy" type of storage, albeit it requires using CLI:
- Create the ZFS zpool as a mirror using the WebUI with the two disks. Lets say you call it "zpool01". Don't tick "Add as storage" as you will not use it to store VMs/CTs.
- Create a ZFS dataset on zpool01:
zfs create -o compression=lz4 -o acltype=posixacl -o xattr=sa -o atime=on -o relatime=on zpool01/Backups_ISO
- From the WebUI, datacenter, storage, add a new "Directory" storage. Name it "Backups_ISO" and the directory should be "/zpool01/Backups_ISO". Rmember to select just "ISO images" and "VZDump backup files" on content.