brand new install -- networking not working on reboot

I don't know if that's possible.
Omg, I think I might have done it. Doing the following updated igc to a newer version and fixed my need to replug the cable on startup, but I haven’t verified whether it fixed the virtual machines. Here’s what I did:

1. Reinstalled Proxmox in frustration after mucking up my first install.
apt install sudo
echo “deb buster pve-no-subscription” > /etc/apt/sources.list
apt update
sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install pve-headers-$(uname -r)
sudo apt-get install dkms
git clone
cd intel-igc
git checkout dev

LMK if this fixes the VM issue for you! I’ll test it in a few hours once I reset all 300,000 config settings I had before.
Followed your instructions. No change on my end. My network is down on boot but I don't need to replug. if I just do a sudo systemctl restart networking.service it starts working. I have no tried it in a vm but at this point it doensn't look any different for me.
Followed your instructions. No change on my end. My network is down on boot but I don't need to replug. if I just do a sudo systemctl restart networking.service it starts working. I have no tried it in a vm but at this point it doensn't look any different for me.
This fixed my VM internet problem as well. Can you post the output of ./
The version of the driver it built and installed was 0.0.1k? Is that right?
Sorry, I have no clue. All I know is that our kernel’s last IGC change was Nov 2019 and the dev branch of that repo was up to mid 2020 (check the issues page, the guy said he was using it to fix a bug for Intel but uses the repo himself).
This fixed my VM internet problem as well. Can you post the output of ./

I didn't jot down what it said initially but I know it was successful. Trying again yields this:

Error! DKMS tree already contains: igc-5.4.0-7642.46
You cannot add the same module/version combo more than once.
Module: igc/5.4.0-7642.46 already built for kernel 5.4.65-1-pve/4
Module: igc/5.4.0-7642.46 already installed on kernel 5.4.65-1-pve/x86_64

And no internet in my vm. Can you share with me your /etc/network/interfaces file?

mine is

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto enp4s0
iface enp4s0 inet manual

auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static
bridge-ports enp4s0
bridge-stp off

bridge-fd 0
everything still working well for you? I have no idea why mine is still broken but glad yours is good
That’s so weird. Did you do it with a fresh install and make sure all your header versions etc were compatible?
hey guys

i will share my experience with the same problem here.
first my setup is a z490 mobo with the Intel I225-V nic build in.

i have done a fresh install with the newest version 6.2-4. the setup was done very quickly and the lan config too.
after the start or a reboot the networking.service doesn't came up as already mentioned here.

the hint with the restart of this service does work for me too so Ive done following workaround to let this do in a easier way:

#create a file (f.e. inside the home path)
nano /home/

#insert the executive line
systemctl restart networking.service

#save the file and exit

#make it executable
chmod +x /home/

#now we create a cronjob for start, restart
crontab -e

#choose your fav. editor

#insert following line under the last #line
@reboot /home/

#save and exit

that's all, after a fresh start or reboot the networking service will start with known magic :D

ps. you can check if cronjob are as service active by:
systemctl status cron.service
dead / disabled? -> systemctl enable cron.service
Ive been experiencing a very similar issue with my new Asus PN50, albeit with a Realtek NIC. I thought initially it may have been a driver issue but eventually discovered it to be some service was stopping network services from starting, the above cron job did the job...pardon the pun....perfectly. While I know its a work around. Im happy not to have to go digging at compiling drivers or finding out what dependency it was to kill it.
Ive been experiencing a very similar issue with my new Asus PN50, albeit with a Realtek NIC. I thought initially it may have been a driver issue but eventually discovered it to be some service was stopping network services from starting, the above cron job did the job...pardon the pun....perfectly. While I know its a work around. Im happy not to have to go digging at compiling drivers or finding out what dependency it was to kill it.
I've got a PN51 - same issue and no real solution :(