Blank admin screen when viewed from iOS device


Nov 6, 2021
My proxmox node is running 7.x and is using a self-generated certificate. So, I have to instruct the browser to visit anyway (same for Safari, Chrome, Firefox). This is OK when I access from a Mac or Windows machine, but when I access from an iOS device, I end up with a blank screen. It is live, because if I refresh, I see some activity - there’s just nothing being displayed.
For a while, I could get it to work by opening the site in a private browser window, but that seems to have stopped working recently.

Any ideas on how to continue
mhmm note that 7.x is nearly EOL (july) but you could open a bug on with a bit more details (exact versions, server and client) and maybe if you can add screenshots and the output of the browser console (not sure how to get them on ios, i don't have access to an iphone/ipad here on short notice)
Thanks, Dominik
Once I was home and had access to the server and a laptop, I could see that the server was actually sending back a 501 error, but iOS was not displaying it. The server could be pinged but ssh and http access was denied.
After connecting a console, I could see that the SSD is failing. I’ll install a new one today.


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