Better Front End Design

Urg, ok, I kown that nginx have a similar extensions of mod_perl, but isn't yet stable.

Thank you for the information :)

Best Regards

Franco Tampieri
just provide some information (why?, how?).

- Dietmar

Just a little tab foreach machine in which i can see the real config file.
You know that it is possible to add xargs but they are not visible in the
interface itself. (only show...)

Only this, the rest it seems to be stable and speedy.

I'm working even in a shorewall-perl configuration and when ready i'll
send it to you.
From this point i hope there will be a tab with the rules foreach machine.

But this is another question.
When i'm ready i'll post my thoughts

Tx, diaolin

Can I make the following suggestion?:

Is it possible to add some more basic information to the "Home"-Page of PVE?

- Total Number of VM / Number of running VM / Stopped VM
(Maybe a list of basic VM-Names which are currently running?)
- Any error indication would be great (something like: VMID stopped unexpectedly...)
- Scheduled Backup successful/failed/not started
- Some monitoring information? (CPU-Temp, HD-Temp) -> Nice-to-have ;)
(as you can see - I am just a white box user ;))

By the way - great software and great support from you guys!!!! Thx!!

I also like the current design, it's functional design makes it very easy to use and highly productive.

Maybe you could offer user selectable skins/themes (by just swapping the css file) so that people can pick the one they like.

To go to the extreem you could make it gadget/widget based and allow users to add the elements they want where they want (like iGoogle).
I figured I might add my $0.02 to this discussion. While I certainly can agree that the current web interface could look more sexy visually speaking, it is very easy to navigate and figure out what goes where in it. It requires very little mental effort to understand it, which is an unfortunately often ignored feature when many do web design. While visual appeal is nice, it should *always* be second priority to the functionality of the design.

So I would agree with colba, it might be a good idea to implement support for themes so that it is easier to evaluate and create new interfaces for proxmox, because I'd hate to lose the current one to a less functional interface without having a choice.