Best / safest storage solution for OMV LXC with Proxmox residing on 1 SSD?


New Member
Oct 21, 2024

I am new to proxmox but quite familiar with linux (not an expert though). So I have some questions for my new Proxmox home-server for using with OMV LXC as a NAS system.

I installed Proxmox on 1 SSD with 1TB (931.5GB) with standard storage system (lvm-thin / ext4).
No external disks attached.

nvme0n1 259:0 0 931.5G 0 disk
├─nvme0n1p1 259:1 0 1007K 0 part
├─nvme0n1p2 259:2 0 1G 0 part /boot/efi
└─nvme0n1p3 259:3 0 930.5G 0 part
├─pve-swap 252:0 0 8G 0 lvm [SWAP]
├─pve-root 252:1 0 96G 0 lvm /
├─pve-data_tmeta 252:2 0 8.1G 0 lvm
│ └─pve-data-tpool 252:4 0 794.3G 0 lvm
│ ├─pve-data 252:5 0 794.3G 1 lvm
│ ├─pve-vm--107--disk--0 252:6 0 8G 0 lvm
│ ├─pve-vm--105--disk--0 252:7 0 6G 0 lvm
│ └─pve-vm--108--disk--0 252:8 0 20G 0 lvm
└─pve-data_tdata 252:3 0 794.3G 0 lvm
└─pve-data-tpool 252:4 0 794.3G 0 lvm
├─pve-data 252:5 0 794.3G 1 lvm
├─pve-vm--107--disk--0 252:6 0 8G 0 lvm
├─pve-vm--105--disk--0 252:7 0 6G 0 lvm
└─pve-vm--108--disk--0 252:8 0 20G 0 lvm


1) pve-root grabbed quite a lot of my ssd (96GB) -> Is there a simple way to reduce this e.g. to 20GB? I do not need that much space for backups, etc.

2) I want to install OMV as a unpriviledged LXC for usage as a provate NAS. When I understand it right I need in my case (LXC) to use the space of my SSD to bind-mount a folder from PVE host to access the "rest of the SSD space". When I am right the "rest of the SSD space" where the (other) LXCs-Disks reside on is block-based, so I can not mount it directly?

What is the safest and best (I/O) way to use the remaining space of my SSD in OMV LXC? I want to be able to make a backup of the file data e.g. with copying the folder on the PVE Host to an external USB-SSD manually from time to time.

Furthermore I want to be able use rclone to sync the "NAS" data to a OneDrive (including Cryptomator protected vaults).

Maybe someone can spend some light for a blind one ;D
I know this doesn't answer your question, but why not just install OMV in a VM? It uses so little in the way of system resources, that you won't really benefit (in my opinion) from running it in an LXC, and you just make your life harder. I ran OMV on a raspberry pi 3 for a long time. It ran great on a pi 3 with 2 gb of memory. Now I run it in a vm and I give it 1-2 cpu core and 2-4 gb of memory and it runs fine. I pass through some extra drives to OMV, and it works great (qm set 100 -scsi1 /dev/disk/by-id/xxxxxx,serial=myserial001). This way I can experiment with all of the features of OMV as well as the OMV extra plugins and set up z pools, or BTRFS arrays managed by OMV, not Proxmox
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Furthermore I want to be able use rclone to sync the "NAS" data to a OneDrive (including Cryptomator protected vaults).

Rclone is pretty easy. You need to have console or SSH access into OMV. Go to Get the install script and do a "sudo -v ; curl | sudo bash". After its installed, SSH or log into OMV (you need to creat a new admin user in OMV first, using the original "admin" account doesn't seem to work). Run the install script, then run rclone congfig, and follow prompts. Use the "n" command for a new remote connection. You will need the public key and secret key for for you microsoft onedrive account.

OR, youmight install OMV-extras ( and try their onedrive plugin. I have never used it, but I am guessing it will work for what you need.
@louie1961: LXC saves space and resources that`s why I came up with the idea LXC. Less updates / reboot time and I can install a working LXC in a few seconds:

I now saw that I can add to a LXC a mount point on local-lvm via webinterface under Resources in the LXC. This creates a new disk under CT Volumes on local-lvm. Is this safe&good to use for storing data or am I missing something?

@louie1961: Thanks for rclone instructions. I will take care of when OMV is up and running. But thanks for your hints.
@louie1961 I do not want to install software like samba on PVE host because of updates...+ I still have no access in this case to the block based storage which is the most. I agree that OMV is not suited in a LXC with external storage (no passthrough, etc.).

I could do a plain Debian LXC and install samba +rclone inside that but I still have then the problem how and where to store the data on the internal SSD.
+ lack of comfort of a NAS (user,sharing,etc.)


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