Backup Storage status keeps becoming "unknown" in PVE.


New Member
Jun 18, 2024
If i unplug and plug the ethernet cable back in the server with PBS, the storage becomes available again for a while. But then a i have repeat the procedure. I have done a successful backup, but this issue doesn't allow the automatic backup to work. I am able to ping the servers both ways in the shell.
The following error show when PVE tries to access the storage in PBS:

TASK ERROR: could not activate storage 'pvebk': pvebk: error fetching datastores - 500 Can't connect to <ip-address> (Connection refused).
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this sounds like there is some error in your network configuration, for example a duplicate ip
alternatively, is there anything visible in your journal/syslog of either node that might give a hint to what's actually wrong?
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I changed the IP address to an address i know for sure isn't being used. The old one might be used by one of the VMs. Its working for now. If anything changes ill let you know. Thanks for the response!