Backup Speed


Renowned Member
Dec 8, 2009
I have Proxmox VE in several Storage configurations, some VMs with Loaclzfs
some in NVMe External Storage and some with Local NVMe drives as LVM
all network connections are 10Gbps
Our backup is to QNAP TS-1279U-RP as NFS mount using PBS
the backup device is also with 2x10Gb network and 12 Disks of WUH721414ALE6L4 as RAID5 inside the QNAP
each device should be able to write about 250Mbps so total write should be About 260MB so I should see total of about 1250MBps acording to the network limit, no?

in practice, backups speed are about 100-150MB/s or even less
any suggestion why and what is the bottleneck case the backups be so slow?
tested on both Proxmox 6.4 and PBS 1.1 and Proxmox 7 and PBS 2
