Backup notes not working...


May 16, 2023
According to documentation, "You can add notes to backups using the Edit Notes button in the UI or via the storage content API.
It is also possible to specify a template for generating notes dynamically for a backup job and for manual backup. The template string can contain variables, surrounded by two curly braces, which will be replaced by the corresponding value when the backup is executed.

For example, if I choose {{cluster}} I get no substitution, just {{cluster}} on the email report.

Any help is apprecitated!
the template string will be evaluated for setting the note on the backup storage. the email will contain the backup job/task settings, which will contain the template string, not the resolved note.
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Reactions: Lukas Wagner
So then this is "normal" in bold:

vzdump 103 100 108 --mailto --quiet 1 --storage PBS-VM --prune-backups 'keep-last=3' --notes-template '{{guestname}}' --mode stop --mailnotification always
Yes, take a look at your PBS in the datastore at VM 103. Your cluster name should be there in the notes.

Btw. If you use a PBS you should configure "keep all" on PVE and let the PBS do the prune job.